You are such a gifted writer. Your mother missed knowing what an amazing person you are. Her loss. Thank you for sharing such a difficult story.

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Thank you. It means a lot that you took the time to read. And when one door closes, another opens to bring me to wonderful people like you. So it’s not a total loss. 💜

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Sep 20Liked by Bob Merrick

Wow, I had no idea of what you went through with your mom. This story is so sad and heartbreaking. I’m so sorry what you had to go through with her but so grateful that your beautiful aunt was there to give you the best advice ever and to help change your life’s trajectory. You are an amazing young man and a wonderful writer. I so look forward to reading more of your wonderful stories.

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Thank you Faith! I love you and fortunately have had kind and loving women in my life like yourself for far longer than I had to endure her. 💜

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Sep 19Liked by Bob Merrick

The freedom of disengagement - such an incredibly powerful moment and a lifetime of experiencing the benefits of your decision

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Sep 19Liked by Bob Merrick

Keep writing, my friend. You are amazing.

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Takes one to know one 💜

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Sep 18Liked by Bob Merrick

You are a gifted writer. I felt like I was right back there with you. I remember it all and I feel the same rage I felt then! How could a mother be so cruel? Walking away was the best advice Heidi could have given you! You have become an amazing self made man. ❤️love you.


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I love you so much. You were the house I was sitting for at the top of the story. You were in London. It’s amazing the details I can remember in the week told in the story but not if I ate breakfast today, but I guess trauma worms it’s way into the brain more aggressively 😂

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Sep 18Liked by Bob Merrick

Such a powerful story and how healthy boundaries play an important role in maintaining your peace. Such a difficult thing to accomplish with a parent. Thank you for sharing Bob.

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Thank you for befriending me all those years ago. Now you know why I was always happy to cover everyone’s shifts. I had nowhere to be end I didn’t want to be home.

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Sep 18Liked by Bob Merrick

You are such a survivor, thank you for sharing this story, it's wild this happened only a few years after you moved back to Cali. I will never forget taking the greyhound home from San Jose to Everett at 17, with no money to eat the whole trip because I had helped your mom buy groceries and probably beer when I visited you guys and had nothing left. What an abundant life you have worked so hard for. xo

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Your words mean so very much. Thank you. I often talk myself down into the crazy one as though maybe it wasn’t as bad as I remember and then I get a message like this from you and remember it was so much worse. Thank you. The validation means everything. And then of course the love, support and years of friendship 💜💜💜

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Sep 18Liked by Bob Merrick

Bob, Your mom was something else, I’m being kind. I too had to end our friendship when she wronged me one too many times. I’m so proud of you and the man you’ve become. ♥️

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We should’ve started up a support group long ago 💜

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This all means more than you can imagine 💜

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I remember the summer she stayed with us. I was still living at home. You’re right, she didn’t leave the house the entire time and tried to cause problems between me and my mom by telling her that I had said or done something one particular day. Except I wasn’t home the day she said whatever it was , nor would I have ever been disrespectful to my mother’s friends. Fortunately, my mom was smarter than she was.

Despite Sharon, you became one of the best human beings I know. You should never have had to endure the things you did as a child and young man. I am so grateful that you surrounded yourself with people who love you and always wanted the best for you. I love that you are living an amazing, adventurous, creative, rewarding life, full of wonderful friends and family. It’s better revenge than any small claims suit against Sharon would ever have been. Love you!

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I’m printing this out. You can’t imagine how much this means. I sit on these stories and the longer I hold on to them the more made up they sound, buy then I read a message from you… you were there… and I suddenly understand what it feels to be seen. What a gift. Thank you 💜

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I remember this day like it was yesterday …Your mom was a very flawed person unfortunately but you side stepped her drama and worked hard to become the fabulous man you were meant to be…. I think I can speak for everyone when I say we are so proud of you.

But more than anything I am thrilled that you are writing again because you are a fantastic writer and you just keep getting better ❤️

By the way, your aunt sounds very wise 😬😬😂

Love aunt Heidi

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